

If Prof Vela recommends a surgical procedure, we will be in contact with you with proposed surgical dates. Prof Vela operates privately at Greenslopes Private Hospital and Mater Private Hospital Redlands.

We will also provide you with Informed Financial Consent that will include item numbers and the cost of your proposed surgery. Should the proposed procedures change on the day, the alteration in fees will be reflected in an updated invoice as appropriate. If you decide to proceed with surgery, your surgical fees will need to be paid at least 7 days prior to your operation.

Medications and Your Surgery

It is important that you tell Prof Vela all your medical conditions, medications, and health supplements you are currently taking. Some medications need to be ceased well before your surgery (i.e. blood thinners such as warfarin, plavix, apixaban and others) or withheld on the day if you are fasting (e.g. diabetic medications). Prof Vela will give you detailed instructions regarding which medications to cease and when prior to your surgery.


A routine post-surgical consult will be booked at the time of your surgical booking.

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